Wednesday, January 1, 2014


What did I accomplish in 2013?  Well, I lost 10lbs (over the course of the entire year...).  I began to pay down my massive amounts of credit card debt.  I earned my associate's degree (in liberal arts--oh so useful) and started on my bachelor's.  I learned that gross, used ballet flats sell for tons of money on ebay.  And I discovered the joy of Goodwill.  

But what for 2014?  

Well, I hope to make a really, really good dent in my debt.  I hope to earn straight A's this year.  I want to focus more on quality than quantity when it comes to clothes, and try and buy timeless pieces.  I will not buy items from regular stores unless I have been craving them for more than a week.  I will be more choosy when it comes to Goodwill purchases.  I will cut back on my sugar and diet coke consumption.  There must be a way to get through the afternoon slump that does not involve sugar.  I will read 100 books (or more!), and try to make at least half of them real literature, non-fiction, or somehow or other actually good for me.  For every trashy romance I read, I should read something decent.  

So, basically, I'm going to quit sugar and quit spending money.  No way this can go wrong, right?